USA Today 22 July 2016 Throwing In The Towel. According to this report, the West are ready to give up their fruitless search in the wrong part of the Indian Ocean. Had they searched west of the Maldives two years ago, they might have found debris because that is where (in my Lemma 3 scenario, based on the evidence) the plane went down. All options or lemmas must remain on the table until we find the wreckage and learn the reasons for its demise. The world owes it to bereaved families, and to prevent another occurrence of its type.
BBC 15 July 2016 Frustration at Failed Investigation. Relatives and other concerned parties express outrage in this breaking story at the failure of authorities to make any sense of the disappearance. Consider this: two years on, the only traces of the plane have turned up on African coasts. If the plane had gone down off western Australia, there would not have been at least some debris in that region. My thesis is that the plane went down west of the Maldives in the northern Indian Ocean, as described in my two books. Had anyone played fair with this investigation, they would have searched that area as well, and most likely would have found (and still may find) debris there. If even one shred of the plane turns up in the northern Indian Ocean, that will vindicate my theory. Instead, the Australians and others appear to be planning to simply shut the case down and try to ignore aviation's greatest mystery. Note my comments about wing debris (19 Mar 2016).
BBC 9 Jun 2016 Reports More Africa Debris. This news compilation focusing on Madagascar underscores the plausibility of my Africa Gambit theory for missing MH370. So far not a shred of evidence that the aircraft went down off western Australia. If a search west of Maldives two years ago had turned up even a shred of MH370, that would have confirmed my hypothesis. It's a bit late for that now, but in the same breath one can say that zero search results off western Australia support my Lemma 3. That's because the stuff landing steadily on African beaches is most likely coming south from the Carlsbad Ridge and Arabian Abyss areas as described in my scenario.
CNN 12 May 2016 Confirm: Recent Africa Debris from MH370 The Malaysian government confirmed that recent Africa debris is 'almost certainly' from missing airliner MH370. To date, not a shred of MH370 has been found anywhere other than Africa, which strongly supports my Lemma 3: Africa Gambit or hijack with malice planned (weaponizing in Africa, dropping as a bomb on major Western target in Europe or the greater Mediterranean region
Africa ContinuesTheory Ever More Likely. On 19 March 2016, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau announced that parts found on separate dates not far apart in Mozambique are 'almost certainly' from vanished Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370on 27 December 2015 and on 27 February 2016. A more detailed BBC Business News story confirms the pieces are wing debris as specified in my 2016 update. Once we learned that the flight crashed, it became evident it went down at relatively low speed. The wings and tail planes were torn off, while the fuselage sank relatively intact west of Maldives, not west of Australia. Lemma 3 totally fits this picture.