Sep-Oct 2016: More MH370 Parts Identified in Africa
06 October 2016: third MH370 part confirmed. According to CNN, the Australian Transportation Safety Board (ATSB) has confirmed that a third part found off Mauritius in May (see article below) belong to MH370, although the location of the airplane wreckage itself remains a mystery. According to Lemma 3 (my theory) the wreckage should be found in abyssal depths west of Maldives.
15 September 2016: Parts Off Tanzania Coast. According to USA Today, the Australian Transportation Safety Board (ATSB) has concluded that a Boeing 777 wing flap found off the coast of Tanzania in east Africa came from the doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. ATSB reports that "This debris identification summary is released with the concurrence of the Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370." This is again part of a wing, which supports my guess that the plane was flying slowly when it entered the water (off the western coast of Maldives) so that the fuselage remained largely intact as it sank, while the wing pieces shattered across the water surface and remained floating on the prevailing currents, which generally flow toward southeastern Africa.
12 September 2016: Burned Parts Found On Madagascar Coast. A BBC News Report claims that MH370 debris hunter Blaine Gibson has found five new pieces of debris that could belong to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. He found them on the northeast coast of Madagascar.
Two fragments appear to show burn marks, which if confirmed would be the first time such marks have been found. According to Richard Westcott, BBC Transport Correspondent, it is too early to tell if these pieces are from MH370. According to his analysis, "They may not be from MH370. Even if they are, the apparent fire damage may have happened long after the aircraft came down the debris could have been used on a beach bonfire." Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) leaders have said that they plan to end their official search in December 2016, given the total lack of results from their expensive and extensive underwater searches off Western Australia. My own contention continues to be that they should have also conducted underwater searches west of Maldives, where credible sightings occurred in the morning hours following the plane's disappearance on 14 March 2014. The drift patterns for a Maldives crash would resuilt in debris washing up on the coasts of Madagascar, Mozambique, and other African locations as they in fact have done.
New Analysis: Controlled Crash. (01 Aug 2016). According to the BBC, a Canadian expert has suggested the plane made what amounts to a slow and controlled crash into water. Both words 'slow' and 'controlled' are important. Lemma 3 remains on the table because this is exactly what I described as happening in this theory (and all possibilities remain on the table). Under the Africa gambit, MH370 made a slow, controlled crash into the northern Indian Ocean west of Maldives. Like all the evidence so far, this fits the Lemma 3 theory perfectly. My book explains all. ADDED NOTE (17 Jan 2017): Some analysis suggests the plane's flaps were level, meaning it did not slow down before crashing. That also is consistent with my suggestion that the plane was flying low and slow (as reported by reliable witnesses on Maldives) and that it was in mortal trouble, but the hijackers were trying to keep it in the air until they reached their (unknown) base of operations in the Horn of Africa.