Ongoing Media Updates for MH370 Aviation Mystery
NOTE: I've had to figure out a way to make room in the limited space that websites typically afford. As noted already, I will let the heading 2020 (refers to 20/20 Vision, not years) be my lead page for reporting updates. We'll begin today (8 March 2019, Fifth Anniversary) with a few media links of interest. You'll notice that the mystery is as baffling as ever.
31 July 2020. Wikipedia recounts a long list of crimes (with chronology) involving the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal, in which Malaysia's former Prime Minister Najib Razak was allegedly involved. This seems highly relevant to the MH370 case, since it was alleged that the governments of both Malaysia and Maldives were corrupt during the unfolding of the MH370 mystery in 2014. It appears that Australia, China, and other powers relied heavily on the Razak government for information. It will seem increasingly clear that the 'info' coming from that government was probably faked to cover up a deeper scheme. Eventually, all this will come to light.
8 Mar 2019. CNN Fifth Anniversary Report. On the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the aviation industry is on the verge of implementing technology that would make a similar tragedy impossible. It's hard to believe that we still don't know exactly what happened to the Boeing 777, or why it vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014
8 Mar 2019. CNN's Richard Quest on 5th Anniversary. How do we avoid another aircraft vanishing like MH370?